The Quintessence
As I started to write the next chapter for the Quintessence I felt like it has been ages since I have seen the orange background of the word document where I write it on. When I scrolled down to where I left off I saw some lines I had written for the new chapter and I couldn't remember writing them at all. As I pondered the reason for the few lines I quickly came up with a terrifying thought, what if I had accidentally skipped over a chapter for the Quintessence? I quickly opened my blogger page and went to the post page where I could see all of my posts in the order I posted them. I saw the Melissa´s Archway chapter followed by the Derelict boy chapter followed by the Melissa´s Archway chapter, this was all as it was supposed to be but then I saw another Derelict boy chapter and felt morbid. I had written a Derelict boy chapter instead of a Quintessence chapter and did not even realize it. I would like to apologize to everyone who was anticipating the Quintessence chapter...