Mornings end

19. Mornings end.

The other children are starting to wake up as well. Anna and Emma wake up first. Anna would have probably slept in the longest if she didn’t sleep next to Emma that woke up so early.

Anna quietly runs over and says good morning with a bright smile. Emma walks closer normally and nods at me.

I say good morning to them and beckon them to come closer. Anna quickly comes next to me and hugs my hand. Emma keeps looking at the snake and only slowly coming toward me.

“It is smart to be careful of the snake since they are dangerous but this one should be safe. Especially since I am here there is nothing to worry about.”

Emma nods again and comes close to the snake.

“I want you to get used to the snakes since there will be lots of them from now on. Try petting the snake. Max Isle and Lillie has already pet it so do not worry about it.”

Anna curiously looks at the snake and then starts petting it with an amazed expression. Emma also comes closer and carefully touches it with a finger first before slowly petting it.

I notice that Susie is waking up. I keep an eye on her as she starts getting up. She looks at our way and notices the snake that the cat girls are petting.

Her pupils expand and she raises the sword and starts walking toward me.

I move the girls to the side with hands and get up.

“Calm down Susie. There is nothing that the snake can do. You can’t kill it either.”

She keeps walking while angrily looking at the snake. I put the snake behind me and spread my arms wide.

Susie looks at me with hatred.

“I do not want you to kill it. I got attached to it and it is harmless now. You cannot keep going like this either. There will be a bunch of snakes in the direction we are heading toward and if you go berserk every time, I cannot keep you safe. I have to keep the others safe too.”

She raises the sword slowly and keeps looking at me angrily. I don’t budge. 
I can intercept the attack even if she did swing down. I hope she won’t do it though. I would have to take the sword away from her and bring her forcefully with us which wouldn’t be good for her.

She keeps looking at me for a while and eventually slowly lowers the sword.

She turns away and walks far away and out of sight. Sarah seems to be awake too now.

“Do you think that I am being selfish?”

“Of course, you are. You don’t care about other people’s feelings and do whatever suits your needs… Still, you do it in a good way. Most wouldn’t take care of other people. Even if they did, they would do what they want and if anyone doesn’t like it, they would just leave them behind.”

Sarah says while walking closer. She picks up the snake and hugs it tightly.

“Everyone is selfish in someway anyways. Do not feel bad for wanting what you want.”

I smile. That made me feel warm inside. I can’t stop myself from smiling.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t get me wrong though. I still haven’t forgiven you. I do think that it was better that you kept me from going. I just don’t want to admit that.”

“That is alright. I am fine with that.”

Chapter eighteen  Chapter twenty


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